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What is Council Platform?

Council Platform is a service for running local government CMS websites

  • It’s an online service which is available immediately.
  • It is fully functional from the first day you have access to it, there is no long build phase.
  • It is packed with functionality which is likely to be useful to councils.
  • Council Platform websites can be fully customised by customers themselves.
  • The service is continuously developed and invested in, and new features are shared amongst all customers at no extra cost.

See the full feature list

Built on the GOV.UK design system.

Benefits from the extensive user research and testing of the Government Digital Service team. 100% accessible and highly usable starting point.

Familiar and comfortable look and feel for end users. Look and feel can be customised as needed.

More about the look and feel

GOV.UK design system

Editor showcase image

With an intuitive & powerful content editing experience.

Build complex and visually rich pages without requiring developer time using Council Platform's user-friendly drag and drop content editing system.

More about the content editor

Why Council Platform?

Build and run websites without the headache

Council Platform allows you to focus on the service delivered rather than the distraction of how to deliver it.

Be confident your new website can deliver for your citizens

Council Platform is:

  • A known quantity which you can demo right now.
  • Fully documented.
  • Available immediately.

Avoid the pain of a big custom build

These are:

  • Hugely time intensive.
  • High risk - every site is a prototype!
  • A very long time in the making.

Reduce the challenge of keeping sites going

You don't have to worry about:

  • Sourcing and retaining expertise.
  • Security exploits.
  • Legislation changes.
  • Technology changes.

Cost savings through economies of scale

  • All Council Platform sites share a common core.
  • Future improvements are shared with all customers for free.
  • Customise your site using your own development resources and share this with others.

Council Platform is continuously being improved

  • Council Platform is supported by a dedicated team.
  • Your website will always move with the times and have the latest innovations.
  • Council Platform's features list will only get longer over time.

The latest News from Council Platform

  • The second instalment in a series of posts looking at how Council Platform sites can be customised. This time looking at the Asset Injector.

  • The first in a series of posts looking at how Council Platform sites can be customised. In this instalment, we look at changing the appearance of a site using the site's theme settings.

  • A quick outline of recent DDoS attacks on UK Councils and how to defend against them.

Councils we work with

Wrexham County Borough Council logo
North Herts Council logo
Plymouth City Council logo
Warrington Borough Council logo
Rochford Council logo
Brentwood Borough Council logo
Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council logo
Angus Council logo

Get your site online with Council Platform

Packed with features

Includes all the features expected in a best practice CMS website.

Ready to go right now

Sites are ready for content population within 24 hours. No long build time!

Continuously improved

Continually being developed, kept current with secure updates, all sites based on a common platform.

Secure as standard

Two-factor authentication, password minimum complexity requirements with auto-logout.