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A frequent requirement for councils is the ability to schedule when a piece of content will automatically be published or unpublished.

Council Platform comes with an inbuilt module that lets you set the time and date on a piece of content and the publishing status you want it to change to.

To schedule a piece of content:

  1. Create or edit an existing piece of content,
  2. Go to the Scheduling Options section in right-hand menu,
  3. Set the time and date you want the content to be published and/or unpublished,
  4. Set the desired publishing statuses,
  5. Save your changes.

You can view an index of all the scheduled actions under the Scheduled Content tab of the Content page.

Council Platform also has an Scheduled Expiry section. Expired content does not become unpublished but is instead flagged for review to make sure it is up-to-date.