We're very pleased to announce that following a public tender process, The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner of North Wales have chosen Public Platform have chosen Council Platform's sister product, Public Platform, for the rebuild of their website.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) have an existing site at https://www.northwales-pcc.gov.uk, built using the content management system Contensis. This site is showing its age and the OPCC want to upgrade the site whilst retaining its existing content.
The OPCC required their new site to:
- Be fully bilingual, supporting both English and Welsh.
- Meet public sector body website accessibility regulations.
- Provide an improved experience for audiences using mobile devices.
- Have greater graphic design capabilities, ensuring that they can develop and theme their new website themselves.
- Retain the SEO properties of their current site.
We were able to put together a highly competitive proposal that would see their new site built with Council Platform's sister product, Public Platform.
We would extend the platform's functionality to ensure that all functionality within it would be capable of supporting full text translations. All sites using the Platform are inherently responsive and optimised for mobile devices. They are also WCAG 2.1 AA compliant and so meet public sector body website accessibility regulations. The Platform's WYSIWYG editor offers maximum flexibility for designing new pages without requiring developer time, including changing page layouts. This would allow OPCC staff to create visually striking pages incorporating engaging content such as videos and social media embeds in the future.
Our proposal also sees us take responsibility for migrating all content from their outgoing site. To do this we will take a hybrid approach, manually migrating standard pages and using our Rapid Start functionality to automate the migration of News posts from the current site. Rapid Start was well suited to the migration of News posts as the page layout is very consistent across all content items. Standard pages are a lot more varied and given there were circa 200 pages to migrate, it is more cost effetive to simply rely on the intelligent copy/paste functionality of the Platform's WYSIWYG editor.
We look forward to delivering a great multilingual site for the OPCC and will be sure to showcase it once it's live.