The 2.2.0 release of Council Platform is complete. With a large feature request from Brentwood Council, we had to rejig our release order a little but our agile delivery methods let us adjust to the unexpected.
Multiple Events listing pages

The biggest feature change is the ability for sites to have multiple Events listing pages, instead of just the one, e.g. Events can now be added to Directories - the content type used for displaying a list of indexed content. This allows sites to have as many Events listing pages as they want to. An example use case for this is creating a dedicated Events listing page for each library in a council's area, therefore decluttering the main Events listing page.
Embed content items in pages

It's now possible to embed content items in Informational Pages. This is useful for creating landing pages where you want to cross-reference other content such as Events or News items.
Other improvements include:
- Adding a "Read only" user role that allows users with this role to view unpublished content. This is useful for allowing colleagues without admin system logins to provide feedback on pages that are yet to go live.
- Switching the old Twitter bird logo to the new "X" logo.
- Allowing the content index page to be filterable by "Updated by".
- Enabling a full-width layout option for the Event content type.
- Updating Drupal core to the latest version.
- Updating all Drupal community modules to use their latest recommended versions.
This release will be rolled out to all client sites in due course.